Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Become A Pilot ?

How to Be a Pilot
The information in this pamphlet is only for guidance. It is
meant to all school leavers who have great interest in flying
as a profession or hobby. This guidance material can assist
the students to make the right decision for his/her carrier and
providing a good choice for the flying training institution.
If there is any enquiry on the procedures or regulatory
requirement it has to be forwarded to DCA, Flight Crew
Licensing Office, Level 2, Block Podium B, Lot 4G4, Precinct 4,
Federal Government Administration Centre, 62570 Putrajaya,
Malaysia, for formal respond. The telephone number is at 603
88714000 and E-mail address is at
Becoming a Pilot
Flying is a challenge and it is a fun. To fly an aircraft ably
and safely is a huge achievement. Flying is a fast, safe and
cost-effective way to travel.
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Whether you want to fly a small aircraft during the weekends,
or a Boeing 737 for an airline, you will follow much the same
process. You will learn about yourself, the aircraft, the
weather, the flying environment, and the rules pilots use to
keep their flying safe. How much you must learn depends on
what kind of pilot you want to be. With a Private Pilot License
(PPL) you can fly throughout Malaysia and carry passengers.
But you are not allowed to charge for your services. With a
Commercial Pilot License (CPL) you can work as a pilot. With
an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) you can fly as a
captain on large aircraft and receive good salary.
These licenses are like steps on a ladder and must be worked
through in the correct order. First you become a private pilot,
then a commercial pilot, and finally an airline transport pilot.
However you have the option to become commercial pilot by
attending a CPL course in an approved flying training school.
Getting Started
You can fly right now. Most people’s first taste of flying is an
introductory flight at any local flying club or flying school.
During an introductory flight you will sit in the pilot’s seat and
be given a flying experience, where your flight instructor will
control the aircraft and will begin to show you how to fly
during that first flight. You don’t need to know anything about
flying to take an introductory flight. Throughout your training
you will not be asked to attempt anything you are not ready
for. There is no need to own an aircraft. There are about 15
flying clubs and 4 approved flying training schools around
Malaysia that own aircraft and employ flight instructors. Pilots
hire these aircraft, with or without an instructor, at set hourly
rates. You usually pay only for the time the aircraft is taxiing
and flying.
Aviation Flying Training Schools (AFTS) focus on professional
training, while others have a recreational focus in a ‘club’
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atmosphere. It is a good idea to shop around and choose the
training organization that best meets your needs. If possible,
ask other pilot’s from a variety of training organizations about
their flying experiences.
Becoming a Private Pilot
Most pilots in Malaysia hold or have held a Private Pilot
Licenses. We have about 500 private pilots who fly many
different types of aircraft.
After enrolling yourself as a student pilot at any flying club,
you can apply to DCA for a Student Pilot License (SPL). This
license will authorize you to fly instructional (dual) sortie with
an instructor. The prerequisite for SPL is only pass medical
examination Class 2.
You can hold a PPL only at the age of 17 years old.
no minimum academic requirement to be a PPL pilot.
Private Pilot cannot be paid or rewarded to fly.
There isA
You can hold a Private Pilot License when you are 17 years
A PPL is made up of several parts, both practical and written.
The first step is a medical examination.
Private Pilots must pass a Class 2 medical examination (Same
requirement as SPL medical). This examination must only be
carried out by specialist aviation doctors, located throughout
Malaysia. Your flying club, flying school or the DCA will
provide you with a list of these doctors in your area. During
the Class 2 medical examination your general health, hearing
and eyesight will be tested. If you are aged under 40, you
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must renew your medical every two years. If you are between
40 and 60 your medical lasts for one year, and if you are 60
or older it is valid for six months only. If you are unable to
pass your medical examination, you can continue to fly with
an instructor, but you cannot hold a PPL. So, to avoid possible
disappointment later, you should make sure you are able to
pass your medical before beginning flight training.
Fit and Proper
Another thing to consider before you begin your flight training
is that the PPL is an aviation document requiring that you be
assessed as a “Fit and Proper Person” to hold this license. The
application form for the issue of your license contains
questions on such things as your court conviction history. To
be considered “Fit and Proper” to hold an aviation license you
must have demonstrated an acceptable respect for the law,
such that the DCA may have confidence in your ability to fly
within the Civil Aviation Rules. You are required to remain a
“Fit and Proper” person throughout the operating life of your
license. For further information contact DCA or view the DCA
web site
Flying Lessons
You will learn to fly progressively. Early lessons cover the
basics, like controlling the aircraft in straight and level flight.
The structure and sequence of lessons creates a building
block process, where previous learning is reinforced and
developed in succeeding lessons. Eventually you will cover
everything you need to be a capable and safe pilot.
Learning about the flying environment, and your aircraft, is
part of being a safe and competent pilot.
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Most students will fly solo for the first time after about 10 to
15 hours of flying lessons. A full PPL requires a minimum of
45 hours of flying, but most students have about 70 hours
before they are ready for the flight test.
Alternatively, you could train for a PPL that limits you to flying
near the aerodrome at which you are trained. This license
requires a minimum of 40 hours flying, as it does not include
cross-country training. You could choose to gain this license
first, and then move on to gain your full PPL later. Your flying
club or flying school will discuss these options with you.
Each flying lesson typically lasts about 45 minutes. Your
instructor will usually give you a briefing before the flight so
you will know what to expect, and what is required of you. A
debriefing after the flight helps to consolidate what you have
learned. You must log every flight. Your flying club or flying
school will sell you a pilot’s logbook to record the date of each
flight, the aircraft type and registration, the name of your
instructor, the length of your flight, where you went and what
you did. You can take your flying lessons as frequently as
time and finances allow, but, it is advisable to plan for regular
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sessions. One lesson every week or 10 days will ensure cost
effective training.
Private Pilot License Examinations
The six (6) PPL examinations are set at about the same level
as SPM or O level examinations. A pass mark of 70 percent or
greater is required. Learning about the flying environment,
and your aircraft, is part of being a safe and competent pilot.
Your flying club or flying school will help you prepare for
these examinations.
You do not have to pass these examinations before you begin
your flying lessons, but it is advisable to sit them
progressively while learning to fly, as examination passes are
required before you can fly solo cross-countries.
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Air Navigation and Flight Planning
You will learn to calculate the distance of your planned flight,
what compass heading you will need to fly, how long it will
take you, and how much fuel you need to get there. You will
also learn to use maps that are specifically designed for
Aircraft Technical Knowledge
Understanding how your aircraft flies, and its systems,
enables you to make safe flying decisions. As a trainee pilot,
you will learn about aerodynamics, engines, electrical
systems, your flight instruments and loading your aircraft.
Helicopter pilots and aeroplane pilots sit slightly different
Aircraft Technical Knowledge exams.
The weather has a major bearing on your flying. Often flights
will be cancelled or delayed because of the weather. You will
learn about Malaysia’s weather patterns, about cloud
formations, and about how different weather conditions affect
the performance of your aircraft. With this knowledge, you
will be able to develop decision-making skills essential to safe
Human Factors
Human error is one of the most common causes of air
accidents worldwide. It is, therefore, important to understand
the human element in aviation. Areas of study include:
aviation medicine and health, stress management, and
Flight Radiotelephony
Pilots keep in contact with air traffic controllers, and with each
other, by radio. As a trainee pilot, you will learn the terms and
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phrases pilots use to make these communications clear and
free from misunderstanding. You will also learn how to
operate your aircraft’s transponder and emergency locator
Everyone in aviation follows the same set of standards when
they are flying. These standards are set out in the Civil
Aviation Regulations 1996. As a trainee pilot, you will develop
a working knowledge of these rules.
License Issue
When you have gained your medical certificate, passed all
your exams, have the required flying experience, and passed
your flight test, you can apply to DCA for the issue of a PPL.
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Think Ahead
Before gaining your PPL, it is important to plan your flying
beyond the initial issue of your license. It is necessary to
budget for sufficient funds that will allow you to fly often
enough to remain both current and competent. Information
on how to stay current can be found on page 19. Many very
experienced pilots in Malaysia are content to fly simply for
fun. To work as a pilot, you must hold a Commercial Pilot’s
Recreational Flying
If you want to fly for fun, then flying microlights or gliders is
another option open to you.
The first thing to do is contact the local microlight or gliding
club. You can contact Malaysian Sport Aviation Federation
(MSAF) at telephone number 03 78737377 and Fax. 03
78755378 for club contact details. The pilot will be issued with
PPL (Restricted) on completion of 30 hours program.
You will fly with an instructor, or under the supervision of an
instructor, until you have gained the skills needed to pass
your Pilot License flight test. This normally takes around 40
hours flying to become fully qualified.
The prerequisites for holding a PPL (R) are:
• You must be 17 years of age to hold a PPL(R)
• You require a medical declaration from your General
• You must pass written examinations (Same subjects as
PPL except Navigation & Meteorology, Aircraft General and
Radio Telephony)
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A PPL (R) allows you to fly privately, under Visual Flight Rules
(VFR), by day within the flight park (5km radius). If you want
to carry passenger you have to achieve at least 30 hours of
Another way to fly for recreation is to take up hang gliding or
paragliding. Information on these clubs can be found with the
MSAF or at telephone number 03 89436571/019 2167526 [Lt.
Col. (R) Basir bin Hj Abdul Rahman]
If you are a thrill seeker at heart, you may be interested in
parachuting. Information about this sport is also available
with MSAF or surf the web site at
Flying Training Organizations
Choosing the right flying Institution is very important. You
have to ask yourself two main questions. Are you going for
professional pilot or just for experience in flying as a hobby.
Your budget whether you have sufficient fund for professional
training or private training only. If you can’t afford financially
for professional flying, you may start fulfilling your ambition
by joining the flying club. It is reminded that flying clubs are
basically voluntary and self help organization and it is not
actively supervised by DCA. Flying Clubs are only allowed to
conduct PPL courses. DCA only ensure that the clubs conduct
the PPL course in accordance to the approved syllabus with
qualified flying instructors, suitable aeroplane and adequate
classroom facilities. The overall running of the clubs is
governed by the club constitution, as such payment and the
amount charged for the flying instructions are decided by the
club members. You are advised to pay for the flying lessons
on hourly basis. You only pay when you fly. DCA does not
protect or guarantee money paid to be refunded in the case
that the club cannot fulfill their obligation.
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If you wish to take a professional flying training, it is
recommended that you enroll yourself to any approved flying
training school and to examine the agreement carefully, if you
are in doubt please do not hesitate to conform with us in
DCA. The list of flying training schools and flying clubs can be
found in annexure A.
Becoming a Commercial Pilot
There are about 2500 Professional (CPL and ATPL) Pilots in
Malaysia. Professional Pilots can be paid to fly. They may fly
as pilot-in-command on aircraft with only one pilot, or as a
Pilot or co-pilot on a multi-crew aircraft. You cannot hold a
Commercial Pilot License until you are 18 years old.
The requirement for CPL includes both theoretical and
practical training. Again, the first step is your medical
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Commercial pilots must pass a Class 1 medical examination.
This is more stringent than the Class 2 examination that
private pilots undergo, and you should ensure that you are
able to pass your medical before beginning flight training.
A Class 1 medical certificate must be renewed annually if you
are aged less than 40, or every six months if you are 40 or
older. This includes an ECG, general health, and hearing and
eyesight checks. There are certain medical conditions that
may prevent you from passing this examination. Your
Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (DAME), specialist
aviation doctor will be able to explain this to you. Your flying
club, flying school, or the DCA will provide a list of aviation
doctors in your area.
You can hold a Commercial Pilot License once you are 18
years old. DCA requires applicant for CPL to meet the
minimum academic qualification as stated in the AIC. The
minimum academic requirement is attain at least 5 credits at
SPM level with credit in English, mathematics and a science
subject. The applicant that does not meet the requirement
will not be issued with CPL.
To be a commercial aeroplane pilot you must have completed
a minimum of 200 hours of flying training, out of which 165
hours on single engine aeroplane and 35 hours on twin
engine aeroplane. The training has to be carried out in an
Approved Flying Training Organization. These training flying
hours are a mandatory requirement before you are allowed to
sit for your flight test. Most people, however, do not sit this
test until they have about 230 hours.
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To be a commercial helicopter pilot you must have a
minimum of 150 hours of flying training. The initial 50 hours
of flight training can be done in aeroplane and the rest 100
hours is on helicopters, before you are able to sit for your
flight test.
Malaysia has few flying schools that offer different aircraft
types and training environments.
All schools teach commercial pilots in full-time courses that
involve both flight training and theory training. Others like
flying clubs provide the training up to PPL can be given credit
hours of 30 hours and the rest of the training has to be done
in an approved training school.
Holder of a foreign CPL will be required to undergo an
abridged course of flying before Malaysian CPL can be issued.
They have to pass all the ‘Navigation papers’ and minimum of
35 hours flying training with a practical flight test by DCA
examiners at the end of the training.
You can seek an advice from several training organizations
and choose the package which best suits your needs and
goals in aviation. Your commercial flight training will follow a
set syllabus and will include cross-country flying and
instrument flying. You will be expected to meet a higher
standard than for your PPL.
Commercial pilots must pass examinations in Law, Navigation,
Human Factors, Meteorology, Aircraft Technical Knowledge
and Principles of Flight.
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Commercial Pilots must pass (score 75 percent and above)
examinations in Law, Navigation, Human Factors,
Meteorology, Aircraft Technical Knowledge and Principles of
Flight. These are similar to tertiary (diploma) level
When you have passed your examinations, have the required
flying experience, have passed your practical flight test, and
you hold a current Class One medical certificate, you can
apply to DCA for the issue of a CPL.
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What Next?
You can now work as a pilot, but you can only fly under Visual
Flight Rules (VFR). This means that you must be able to see
the surface to navigate - you cannot fly in cloud. Possible
careers include VFR charter, scenic and agricultural flying.
You could also consider training as a flight instructor or
gaining further aircraft ratings.
Instrument Flying and Basic Gas Turbine Rating
If you want to expand your employment options with a view
to becoming an airline pilot, you will need an Instrument
Rating. This allows you to fly in cloud, navigating with
reference to the aircraft instruments. Possible careers include
freight and charter operations, or you can fly for an airline as
a first officer or second officer.
Airlines, some freight or charter companies, helicopter and
agricultural companies, operate aircraft that are powered by
gas turbine engines. These are different from the piston
engine aircraft you will train in. In order to fly a turbine
powered aircraft you will need to pass a Basic Turbine
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Knowledge examination. This is a prerequisite of a type rating
in your first turbine powered aircraft.
In order to progress to being an airline captain, you can work
towards your Airline Transport Pilot License.
Approved Training schools normally will train you with
Instrument Rating and theoretically up to frozen ATPL level,
whereby the theory examination is conducted using ATPL
examination papers. Frozen ATPL is issued on your CPL
license until you meet the flying hours for issue of ATPL
Becoming an Airline Transport Pilot
To apply for an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL), you
must be 21 years old, hold a current instrument rating, and
have 1500 hours total flight time in an aeroplane, or 1000
hours in a helicopter. You must also pass seven written
examinations and a flight test with a flight examiner.
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Keeping Your Pilot License
Getting your pilot license is only the first step.
To keep it current you must have carried out at least three
takeoffs and landings in the preceding 90 days, in the aircraft
types that you wish to fly. Every six months, you will need to
carry out a flight test (C of T) conducted by DCA approved
Authorized Examiner.
This involves demonstrating to a flight examiner that your
knowledge and flying skills are still maintained at the required
standard for the type of license you hold. A C of T will also
ensure that you remain up to date with the current operating
environment. Many pilots continue to have occasional
refresher flights with an instructor employed by the company.
When employed as a CPL or an ATPL, you will have ongoing
competency checks to ensure you are flying to the required
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Gaining a rating in a new aircraft involves practical conversion
flying lessons and some theoretical study of your new
aircraft’s systems and performance.
Learning More Skills
Once you have your pilot license you can develop many more
In aviation, these qualifications are called ratings:
Instrument rating
Type rating
Night rating
Assistant Flying Instructor rating
Flying Instructor rating
You can also train in mountain flying, formation flying, or
competition flying.
Authorized Flight examiner
Aircraft Type Ratings
Pilots are only permitted to fly the aircraft types they hold
ratings for. When first learning to fly, you will take your
lessons in the same type of aircraft or simulator.
Once you have your pilot license, you may choose to learn to
fly other types. Gaining a rating in a new aircraft involves
practical conversion flying lessons and theoretical study of
your new aircraft’s systems and performance.
Becoming a Flight Instructor
Once you are a commercial pilot, you can do further flight
training and study to become a career flight instructor. Newly
qualified flight instructors are called Assistant Flight Instructor
(AFI). As an AFI you may teach trainee pilots, although you
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will work under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
There are several flying clubs and flying schools that offer AFI
category instructor training.
What does it Cost?
The cost of learning to fly varies between training
organizations, and may depend on the type of aircraft they
use. Costs also vary from pilot to pilot, depending on how
quickly trainees pick up flying skills, and reach the appropriate
The cost of flying also changes in response to fuel prices and
It is best to contact a range of flight training organizations to
find out the latest costs and compare their prices to the
facilities they provide.
It is important not to judge your choice of training
organization solely on cost. You should also look at how each
organization can help you achieve your ultimate goals. An
aspiring airline pilot has different training needs from an
aspiring agricultural pilot, or an aspiring tourist sightseeing
pilot, who will be flying in mountainous terrain.
For budgetary purposes a PPL training on aeroplane will cost
from RM 24,000 to RM 26,000 at an approved training school
and for CPL with IR (Frozen ATPL) will cost between RM 150,
000 to RM 170,000 excluding accommodation.
Thank you for your interest in reading this guidance material,
we hope that the information will give you a clearer picture
and be able to decide the right way to fulfill your ambition to
be a pilot.

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