Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Last Oral Question D1MC27 Dec 2010

Last Oral Question D1MC 27 Mate Class 2
Soalan Baru Capt. Samad

1. Trim and stability booklet for containermen.
i) Find the stability of the vessel after loading container.
- KG on deck and in hold of container.
- What is KN? The use?
- IMO stability criteria. What the additional for container vessel?
2. IMDG code. Explain.
3. Duty of Safety Officer
4. Damage and stability Booklet. What is the contain inside? How to use? The location?
5. EEBD. Requirent and location.
6. BNWAS. Explain
7. GPS and DGPS. Explain
8. Correctors for magnetic compass.
9. SOLAS CHIII reg 20, CHV reg 19
10. RADAR plotting.
11. Embarkation ladder and pilot ladder requirement.
12. How to launch lifeboat?
Soalan lame pun dia ade tye gak.

Examiner: Capt Nazri
1. ISM
2. Angle of Loll, explain n how to correct it
3. IALA Buoyage System
4. Radar plotting
6. SF n BM on Container Ship
7. Stiff n Tender ship
8. Stable, unstable n neutral equilibrium
9. Light and shapes
10. SMS, anything to add
11. Heavy lift
Examiner with Capt Rahim

1. Latest info about ALAM
2. buoyage Region A & B
3. Rule 19, Understanding
4. LNG Operation @ Bintulu... Cargo Ops N Berthing
5. Magnetic compass... How many compass carried? Liquid use for MAgnetic compass, What to use when the liquid is not available..
6. sextant... Everything.. Principle, error n how to correct.. what inside the sextant box... can we use the last year Almanac if the vessel still not received the new edition... what observation that u made on board n explain how u make the fix posn.. theory only..
7. ship interaction, principle n how to eleminate
8.. squat
9. meaning of IALA (aku terkene kat soklan nie... struggle so hard to ingat balik ape
yg MYo Thant kate dalam klass... akhirnye berjaye..)
10. ship on fire n grounding.. what will u do..
11. gyro compass
12. Type of TUG BOAT
13. Single WHITE light in philippines... what the posibility
14. Colreg latest amendments.... Annex 4
15. safe navigational watch
16. Passage plan... APEM
19. GPS
20. radar performance..
21. Type of restricted visibility in MAlacca straits
22. Port State n Flag state inspection
23. Loadlines survey
24. Gyro compass... how many that we carry onboard
25. Mooring and anchoring operation
26. In restricted visibility, Who should give way??? Situation converging on stbd quater.... what action that u should take...

Examiner : Capt. Sukhbir
Result : xxx
Duration : 1hour couple of minutes...

1. Tank cleaning operation (chemical)
2. Let go anchor
3. Cert. and record keep by C/O
4. Chain register
5. Buoy Lateral Mark,Cardinal Mark
6. Towing vsl seen from astern(yellow above white)
7. Cargo ship safety construction survey-preparation
8. Lay out cable at to break anchor chain,kenter lugless shackle.
9. Jury rudder
10. Colreg Annex 4.
candidate : BADRUL
examiner ; capt iswadi
1) passage planning(detailed)
2) chart datum - wgs84
3) how to transfer courseline to chart
4) PSC- what e check
5) ROR - 5,6,9,10,19
6)what is narrow channel
7) ship handling- berthing
8) emergency - e/r fire & how to use Fixed CO2
9) buoyage - region A & B
10) watchkeeping at sea
Examiner: Capt Sukber Singh

Oral Question:
1. flag Q,B,O n meaning
2.light (towing n vsl underway)
3.preparation drydock as C/O.
4.calculate P force n loss of Gm when entering drydock
5.LNG operation
6. Fire at E/R
7.Meaning of underway n making way to perform safe watchkeeping on bridge to communicate using VHF DSC.
Examiner: Capt Iswadi

Oral Question:
1. Basic radar plotting. Explanation. 
2. Preparation for departure port. 
3. Preparation for Loadline Survey. 
4. Explain plimsoll mark, freeboard 
and purpose of loadline. 
5. Calculation:
Sunset & sunrise at PKG. 
Amplitude sunrise PKG. 
6. Precaution for loading heavy 
cargo on deck. 
7. ROR: Rule 10- Details
Rule 9- Details
You are sailing vsl want to cross 
in TSS, one vsl on stbd. Action. 
Who can use ITZ?
8. Buoyage: 
Port hand buoy reg A. 
Pref chan to port reg B. 
East cardinal mark. 
9. East cardinal mark ahead. Action. 
10. Ship handling: 
Bring vsl alongside current fm 
How to perform short turn no 
tug n no bow thruster. 
11. Light n fog signal:
Vsl constraint by draft
Pilot vsl
Vsl at anchor
12. Action when vsl grounding as 
13. IMDG Code- container. 
14. Definition & formula:
DWT, Lightship, FWA, DWA, 
TPC, Displacement. 
15. What is unstable equilibrium. 
16. Towing vsl on port bow. Action. 
17. Terestial Navigation- How to 
determine ship posn. 
18. Advantage & disadvantage of 
magnetic compass. 
19. You vsl dont have magnetic and 
gyro compass on board. What 
will u do?
Examiner : Capt. Rahim
Result : PASS.
Duration : 1hours 05minutes

1. Explain about MISC’s container liner business (general info)
2. Cargo operation for container vessel
3. Document to be received/sign before departure ( Bill of Lading, Mates Receipt,Cargo Document)
4. Marking/Placarding for DG missing,what your action,when to check the marking.
5. If more than 1 class of DG loaded in same container,marking missing,where to refer for the DG info inside the container.
6. Vessel departure port, next port very close(Singapore-P.Gudang),how you plan your cargo( loading&discharging)
7. Fire onboard (Accommodation),what your action.
8. If fire in at Galley, then Galley totally damage,cannot cook,what is your action.
9. ISM, what?,Purpose of ISM, how you implement onboard.
10. PSC onboard, what you expect they want to check?
11. Chart correction, how frequent to update(Voyage chart,non-voyage charts)
12. Vessel enter port,then PSC come onboard,found that chart correction not done,what do you think will happen/action by PSC?
13. In TSS, what is Precautionary Area?
14. What is your action when about to passing Precautionary Area?
15. TSS, what is purpose of TSS
16. Vessel passing Piracy Area, what is your action?
17. New Foreign Master joint your ship,how do you expect he know the culture of crew onboard(different Nationality)
18. Your experience in bring the ship to Pilot Station,Achorage.How the Master train your in doing this.
19. How you determine no of shackles to be used for anchoring.
20. Even you used such formula to determine no of shackle to be used,is it suitable for use for all anchorage situation?What factor to be considered?
21. What factors to consider in determining no of shackles to be used for anchoring.
22. What is Ships Interaction.
23. How to reduce Ships Interaction.
24. Where can you obtain Weather Forecast
25. Vessel near an area of Restricted Visibilty, do you need to comply to Rule 19?Why.
26. Once you clear from the area of Restricted Visibilty, your saw 1 fishing boat, what is your action.
27. Bring your ship alongside with current from stern,no tug,no pilot available,AB on wheel,Cadet on the telegraph,how you give order to them,alongside between 2 vessel(fwd & aft have other ship a’side)
28. Bring ship a’side(same like item 27) but limited space for turning,how to make the turning, with short turning radius?
29. Once you already turn the ship against the current,how you bring the ship alongside?(Refer to item 27&28)
30. What is the first line to send,and how you bring the ship alongside using all the lines?
31. How you adjust your ship position at port( to move ahead or astern)
32. How you prepare your passage planning.
33. In Piracy Area what to do with your AIS,anything to log inside Deck Log Book?
34. Do you have any emergency preparedness for oil pollution prevention onboard your ship?
35. Where is the location of SOPEP Locker?
36. Who responsible in maintaining SOPEP Locker?
37. Do you have Oil Pollution Record Book onboard?
38. Who keep the Oil Pollution Record Book?
39. TSS,where usually IMO put/use it.
40. What you understand with Conduct of vessel in Restricted Visibility and In Sight of one and another.
My QuestiOn with Capt Nazri :
Date : 22/12/2010

1)Sign On as C/O on Product Tanker at Port Dickson voyage to Japan
2)Maximum BM & SF during voyage
3)Last ship GM,DWT,GRT,NRT,LOA
4)Damage stability
5)Heavy weather precaution as C/O
6)Weather forecast
7)Tropical revolving Storm @ NH & SH (sketch & explain)
8)Radar plotting (ship course 230' x 20kts,target brg 320' 0900=5' 0906=4' 0912=3' - plot & action)
9)M.P for today (Lat=3'N Long=100'E)
10)Rule 7 & 19
12)Radar X & S band-explain frequency & during raining condition

Examiner: Capt. Nazri

1.IGS plant...describe advantages of IG
2.ISM purpose n objective
3.Radar plotting...sama je
4.TSS - vsl on stbd bow,crossing lane
5.Loadline Survey
6.Bunga Kelana 3 incident @singapore
7.Colission - vessel loaded n ballast,mane yg lagi dasat impact - LEL
Examiner: Capt Sukhbir Singh

1. Sign on as c/o. 
2. Preparation for Loadline Survey. 
3. LSA requirement on board yr vsl. 
4. How you perform safe watchkeeping. 
5. Loadline certificate validity & intermediate survey for loadline. 
6. Buoyage:
a) preferred channel to stbd region b. 
b) west cardinal mark
c) safe water mark. 
7. Port operation watch as c/o. How do you arrange?
8. Ship heading 000G 001C var 2 E
Polaris brg by gyro: 359 G
Calculated polaris brg: 000
Find C/E & Dev?
Examiner: Capt Sukhbir Singh

1. Sign on as c/o. Handing over procedure. 
2. Current from astern. One vessel astern. How to cast off?
3. Buoyage: 
a) preferred channel to stbd reg b. 
b) south cardinal. 
c) safe water mark. 
4. South cardinal mark ahead. You are out from port. 
5. Other vessel show flag 'Y', 'Q' & 'B'. Action?
6. Towing light from astern. Arc of light?
7. Towing fog signal & daylight signal. 
8. Loadline survey preparation. 
9. Draw plimsoll mark from stbd side. 
10. Master hand over to you. How to maintained safe watchkeeping. 
11. Sign on as c/o. What FFA u xpect on board as per SOLAS req?
Soklan capt nazri kat aku lak:
1) Plotting - sama soklan mcm paddy, dia nak tgk action ko
2) ISM - explain the purpose
3) Drydock - preparation as C/officer b4 & during drydock. 
Hint: Drydock spec, survey, spare part & tools available, gas free cert., Fire, safety & security watch etc...
4) Drill - as per ISM, how u implement to ur crew
5) Cargo Operation - Loading chemical, what & where to refer the data of the cargo, handling, heating etc....
6) Lights - NUC
7) Azimuth calculation - given positon, local time. Find the true bearing
8) Safety - Bad weather at port during discharging (liquid cargo remaining 50%). What is your action & advise to the master.
9) Chemical tanker matters - CRIS Code, MSDS, IMDG Code, IBC Code

examiner Capt Rahim Akob
1.berth LNG vessel,how? steam can generate power fo LNG vessel
3.ror 19,14,13
4.radar limitation
5.bouyage system,describe region A bouy ship n shore know total loaded volume
7.tug boat types in btu n japan
10.purpose or ROR n TSS
11.preparation for towing fighting,how to tackle..
14.hand lead line measurement,bape panjang
15.use of hand lead line
xaminer : Capt Nazri
1) NUC Light
2) Buoy - cardinal mark & Action
3) Sign on as chief mate
4) Objective of ISM
5) As chief mate, how to implement ism onboard
6) Radar plotting and action to be taken
7) MP calculation
1.     Preparation for dry dock
2. LEL diagram
3. Type of tanks
4. Vessel partly laoding,( slack tank), heavy weather, vessel need to cast off, c/o action. 
5. Ror
6. Sf bm
7. Radar plotting
8. Mp calculation
9. Can u reliable on radar 100%, aku jawab no.. Asw is yes- wind force berapa utk kapal cast off masa tengah Alongside

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